Everyday Life

June 10 - July 2, 2022

front gallery - installation view

front gallery - installation view

front gallery - installation view

front gallery - installation view

back gallery - installation view

back gallery - installation view

back gallery - installation view

back gallery - installation view

Chris Heaphy’s new show, Everyday Life, has a remarkable fluidity about it. Richly coloured pours of acrylic are pushed and pulled over the teeth of Belgian linen with terrific confidence – with a degree of facility you’d expect after three decades of painting. His visual vocabulary, including Maori heads, birds and feathers is present still, but is now part of the wider fabric of the painting itself – part of the fluid dance between painted ground and material support. Spatulas have pulled paint both horizontally and vertically, sometimes when wet, sometimes when a little drier. And the motifs of bird and vase have been treated with great consideration, sometimes integrated with that which surrounds them, and sometimes quite deliberately not. The feeling is almost other-worldly. But the man’s an angler, a conjuror of dreams – so we would expect this, of course.


Selected works

Sunrise Again

Forever and a Day

Listen Again Piwauwau Waits

Titipounamu Waits

Dawn Waits


Dusk Waits

Hihi Waits
Te Raukura
Your Song
See Again
No Matter What
It All Matters
At First Light




Details of works