Finding Pictures

February 25 - March 22, 2025

  • Malcolm Terry

front gallery - installation view

front gallery - installation view

front gallery - installation view

front gallery - installation view

front gallery - installation view

front gallery - installation view

front gallery - installation view

front gallery - installation view

Malcolm Terry is an artist from Ōhinehou Lyttelton, and Finding Pictures is his
first show with Jonathan Smart Gallery.
Terry finds pictures in many ways, from drawings on paper, card and sandpaper even. In other words, from preparatory thought in the traditional manner. He also finds pictures via the process of their making - using brooms, soaking canvas with pigments and floating form over the top - form manifest in line both brushed and squeezed straight from the tube. Colour is important too. It can be quiet, rich and varied so that often tone is close and motifs are discovered slowly from within. At other times however, contrast is more overt. But the feeling is always becoming, like a smile. And that is the satisfaction of a successful Malcolm Terry painting.

Selected works



Malcolm Terry (with Owen) installing his works in the front gallery


Details of works