At close to 60, Darragh is as popular in the artworld as she always has been - still generating work as fresh and lively as her fake fur and phallic pink jelly moulds in the late 80's. Her signature aesthetic remains bright fluoro colour and everyday materials re-presented in a low-fi, uplifting sort of way. She has always been with spirit. Darragh shows make you smile, and Ummm is no exception.
Curiously, Darragh's work is still as cheap as chips and slightly difficult to place. I wonder if she has been pigeon-holed as a subversive, and therefore the work not worthy of really serious market attention. Within the industry she is (again) on the cover of the latest Art New Zealand, and Te Papa Tongarewa presented a mid-career survey and major publication of her work back in 2004. Is her lack of market traction to do with the innate tenor of her work - its humour - which is genuine and therefore temperamentally very hard to change? Or is it simply because she's a woman working in a small market and not in the established traditions of oil painting?
Maybe her shows are too full or varied, or in need of an edit? She did jest that
Ummm looked like a Judy Darragh group show. But in this regard too, she is utterly consistent. Perhaps I should go frame a couple? The
Papercraft works may appeal more if they were tastefully framed. And another note to self: seek out the younger collectors…
List of works
Papercraft 1-6, digital print on paper, ed of 2, 480 x 600mm
Untitled 1-2, digital print on paper, ed of 2, 480 x 600mm
Nice Fake Tits, digital print on paper, ed of 2, 600 x 400mm
Built Painting 1, painted expanded foam on canvas, 250 x 250mm
Built Painting 2, painted expanded foam on canvas, 200 x 200mm
Blue Stockings 1, stretched nylon on stretched canvas, 200 x 200mm
Blue Stockings 2, stretched nylon on stretched canvas, 250 x 250mm
Blue Stockings 3, stretched nylon on stretched canvas, 200 x 200mm
Blue Stockings 4, stretched nylon on stretched canvas, 200 x 200mm
Blue Stockings 5, stretched nylon on stretched canvas, 250 x 250mm
Clear Light 1, crystals, agate, silicon & wax on glass, 330 x 240mm
Clear Light 2, crystals, agate, silicon & wax on glass, 330 x 280mm
Clear Light 3, crystals, agate, silicon & wax on glass, 230 x 180mm
The Bomb, crystals & silicon on vinyl, 750 x 500mm
Green Gaze 1, agate, crystals, silicon & wax on canvas, 250 x 250mm
Green Gaze 2, agate, crystals, silicon & wax on canvas, 250 x 200mm
Green Gaze 3, agate, crystals, silicon & wax on canvas, 250 x 200mm
Green Gaze 4, agate, crystals, silicon & wax on canvas, 250 x 250mm
Green Gaze 5, agate, crystals, silicon & wax on canvas, 250 x 200mm
The Fates 1, fluoro paint on very nice paper, 420 x 590mm
The Fates 2, fluoro paint on very nice paper, 420 x 590mm
The Fates 3, fluoro paint on very nice paper, 590 x 420mm
The Fates 4, fluoro paint on very nice paper, 590 x 420mm
The Fates 5, fluoro paint on very nice paper, 420 x 590mm
All works are from 2016