future sectional carbonised stomach compulsion earth pathology
July 30 - August 24, 2019
If art was purely about attitude, you'd have to award Robert Hood a gold star. He recycles found materials (in this instance beer kegs, topo maps and a washing machine drum) with spirit and play. And the gag around what is art (explored here in possibly the world's grandest domestic brazier) is pushed to industrial extremes - via more than 100 kilograms of formed and welded mild steel.
Just who laughs last? It matters not perhaps, but the mettle of the Dadaist is certainly alive and well here. Serious with aesthetics and probing always around our interface with nature, Hood continually asks us to consider our relationship with materials and to what is around us, in his quirky, canny way.

Framed works
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Details of works
Triple Smoked, 2018
kegs & stainless pipe 2900 x 500 x 500mm
cross sectional military stomach data acid volatility, 2019
mild steel 3000 x 650 x 1000mm
future statistical carbonized earth pizza pathology nomadism, 2019
wood, stainless steel, PVC 1700 x 1100mm diameter
Blackfoot Quadrangle, 2019
framed collage 800 x 680mm
Moapa, 2019
framed collage 800 x 680mm
Waima(kar)iri, 2019
framed collage 620 x 580mm
Otira II, 2017
framed collage 785 x 1040mm